Thank you!

Tuesday 20 December 2011

Just wanted to say thank you to our latest contributor, thanks Estelle! Our campaign is ticking away (only 32 days left) and with your support we might reach our goal. Visit the campaign page and help us share the project on Twitter or Facebook.

36 Days To Go...

Friday 16 December 2011

We are pleased to say we have one more donation, so thank you! We only have 36 days of the campaign left and a very long way to go. Making this film means a lot to us, so we really hope we will reach our goal.

If you are able to help us out, either by making a donation or spreading the word about our project, it would be amazing if you could check out our IndieGoGo page! Here's the link again:

Thanks to our funders so far, and check back soon for more updates!

Pink Floyd, The Wall, and Adam Curtis

Wednesday 14 December 2011

by Ed Hick

Well, I've mostly been concentrating on my dissertation this weekend, but I thought I would give you a little more insight into my mind and tell you a bit more about my inspirations.

A film I watched recently was Pink Floyd - The Wall (1982, Alan Park) which is a musical film based on the album of the same name. I'm not too fussed about the story but there are some really nice animations and surreal sequences in the film. Most notably the school sequence, and there is also a great bit were Bob Geldolf is tripping out and his room turns to an oversized, empty, white room.

You can watch the full film on YouTube (the parts I mentioned above are at 22:15 and 50:10):

I have also started to watch Adam Curtis' The Trap, a 3 part series about modern politics based on flawed theories and paranoid behaviour of the Cold War. It shows how while politicians have been saying they are giving people more freedom we actually becoming more trapped due to free market ideas. The whole series is also available on YouTube, here's part 1:

Ok not sure what else to put this week, so here's an awesome song from one of my favorite bands at the moment. Enjoy.
(I can't embed it so you have to click the link here: )

Don't forget you can support our project here, and visit our Facebook page for regular updates on our progress. And you can always help us out by sharing our project on Facebook or Twitter, or just by telling your mates.

IndieGoGo Campaign

Monday 12 December 2011

If you have some time and spare 60p we would love it if you could head over to our IndieGoGo campaign page to help us raise money for our film. We're really excited about finally making this film and we're hoping to reach our goal. IndieGoGo is a place where people can set up funding campaigns for their projects, in order to raise money safely and securely. You can read more about it here.

Our goal for this project is to raise $970 (just of £600), which will cover set and costume design, transport costs, and looking after our lovely cast and crew. As this is a student production we won’t be able to pay our crew, so we will need some good grub to keep us going on location. We're also hoping to hire professional actors for a small fee, so this is also included in the budget. The film is going to feature a number of surreal scenes (think Brazil and Micmacs) and we’re going to need enough money to make these ideas a reality.

The closer we get to reaching our target, the better the final film will be, so any contribution, large or small, would be greatly appreciated. You can contribute as little as $1 (about 60p), but if you can't there are still ways you can help us out...

Any and every contribution will be warmly rewarded with unique perks and a massive thank you from us! You can make a donation at our campaign page, it will only take a moment and would be very much appreciated by all of us! Either click the link here: or use the widget at the side of the page.

Thank you from the whole team!

Auditions, Scheduling, Toilet Worries

Thursday 8 December 2011

by Ed Hick


Just a little update today. We held auditions yesterday and we believe we have our banker. I can't confirm him yet as I am waiting for his reply but I am confident he's going to accept. He suits the role perfectly, is a great actor, and nice guy who does not mind wearing a dress (you'll see).

This week I have also been busy scheduling the shoot, we have a TV studio booked for two days of the shoot were we plan to build a set (should be fun).

One problem did pop up this week, I realised the old quarry we plan to film for two days does not have any toilet facilities and there is not much near by. So it looks like I may have too hire a porta loo, or ask a nice farmer near by to use their toilet. Any suggestions on the loo problem please contact.

Well thats enough toilet talk for today, check back soon for more updates.


My Inspirations

Saturday 3 December 2011

by Ed Hick

I always find it tad difficult to pinpoint inspirations, because as someone growing up surrounded vast array of different types of film and other media a lot has inspired and my projects.

Though for Repossessing Tim an obvious inspiration for story and style is Terry Gilliam's Brazil (1985). I love the surreal element and over the topness. I mean I would love to able to build massive sets of looming towers, though my budget and time does not stretch that far, though one scene that I love is one were Sam the main character is in his new square grey office, I feel parts of this scene will creep into Repossessing Tim.

Another film which is inspiring props and locations is Micmacs (Jean-Pierre Jeunet, 2009), which sets part of the film in a junk yard yet still manages to make it look colourful which is what I am going to try to do with my film.

Parts of Hitchhiker's Guide to Galaxy (the books and the film) have influenced me too. I think I am beginning to like the idea of Tim being a bit like Arthur Dent in Hitchhiker, well they're both wear dressing gowns. And they are both shoved out of the usual worlds into new ones. I love the Hitchhiker books so I guess they make an influence on everything I do. (I really want to make Douglas Adams other books on 'Dirk Gently' into a film, that would be awesome.)

I also recently watch Roy Andersson, Du Levande (You, The Living) which is a lovely film full of beautiful shots of people doing everyday things, though stuff is a little bit off. Everyone has white pale faces and there is the occasional dream sequence. I kind of like the stillness and the way it shows the slight absurdness to our lives.

Just one more for this week, I don't want to overwhelm you.
Emir Kusturicas Underground (1995), this is a really surreal film that half tells the story of Yugoslavia through the 20th century and also looks at war, greed, family, communism, corruption and has an awesome brass band in it. I'm not sure how this one influences me, but I really like it and have watched it a couple of times in the past month so its bound to add something to film. Either way, you should watch it.

Welcome to Arcadia

by Ed Hick

Here begins the blog for our short film Repossessing Tim, where we will post updates and production news, as well as our inspirations for the film. I'm Ed, director and co-producer, and I will be your host for this evening. First things first, a little introduction...

The Film
Repossessing Tim is set in the surreal world of Arcadia, where banks employ endless rules and pointless bureaucracy to keep their citizens in order. In this world, citizens have to follow a strict code of conduct, have a steady job and a long-term relationship, to ensure that they are ‘profitable to society’. The film follows the story of Tim, a man who manages to lose his job and his girlfriend in the same week. He is taken away in the dead of night and told that he is going to be kicked out of Arcadia as punishment for not following the rules.

Tim is then transported to a new world, one full of junk and leftovers, a million miles from the austere Arcadia. Here he meets Nelly, who introduces him to an alternative way of living, one that is not set by rules or restrictions and although not everything is perfect, everything is workable. Together they create a life for themselves and Tim learns that happiness is not borne of order and perfection.

The Brains
I originally had the idea for Repossessing Tim when I was in college but I struggled to put it into words until I teamed up with Grace Carroll who turned the small idea of a man who has his life repossessed into a ten-minute screenplay. We soon found a crew as enthusiastic as we are - Jimmy Keeping (d.o.p.), Josie Kealy (Art Direction), and Jonathan Bernhardt (sound). You can find out more about us on the pages at the top of the page. We also roped in Maria Moore to be in charge of all things social-networking as she has the technical know-how for this sort of stuff. And if you want to find out more, you can have a look at our pages using the links at the top of the page.

Check back soon for more updates!

Ed and the Repossessing Tim crew